
Generate changelog from Git commits.

PyPI Version Supported Python versions Build Status MPL-1.1 OR GPL-2.0-only OR LGPL-2.1-or-later Coverage


  • Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and PyPy

Use cases and basic concepts

Matyan does a good job generating changelog from Git commits. Think of DTAP development, GitFlow-like concepts, JIRA (or similar tool for handling tickets and reviewing pull requests).

How would you know it could be useful?

If the following applies to you, matyan could help:

  • Project releases (tags) are numbered according to the semantic versioning or sequence based identifiers.
  • Project follows the DTAP.
  • Testing, acceptance and production branches (hereafter referred as TAP branches) are protected.
  • Direct commits to TAP branches are forbidden.
  • All commits to TAP branches are made by pull requests.
  • Pull requests are merged using GitHub or BitBucket web interface.

Sample use-case

The use-case

  • JIRA is used for issues.
  • All commits are prefixed with ID of the JIRA issue: for example, MSFT-1234 or NVDA-1234 (where first four letters identify the client commit was done for, it’s pattern).
  • There are 3 main (protected) branches: dev, staging, master. Direct commits to any of the 3 are forbidden. Any feature/bugfix comes via merge request.
  • All branches do have meaningful prefixes. Example, feature/MSFT-1234-Title-of-the-issue or bugfix/MSFT-1236-prevent-duplicate-postal-codes.
  • Release flow is dev -> staging -> master.

Sample commits

Consider the following commits into the dev branch:

branch: feature/MSFT-1238-Token-authentication

  • MSFT-1238 Implement token authentication.
  • MSFT-1238 Update authentication docs.

branch: feature/MSFT-1237-Improve-document-sharing

  • MSFT-1237 Improve document sharing. Add option to share via GDrive.

branch: bugfix/MSFT-1236-prevent-duplicate-postal-codes

  • MSFT-1236 Normalise postal codes for German addresses.
  • MSFT-1236 Normalise postal codes for US addresses.
  • MSFT-1236 Make postal code field unique for the country.

branch: deprecation/MSFT-1235-deprecate-old-api

  • MSFT-1235 Deprecate API v 2.0.
  • MSFT-1235 Update docs.

branch: feature/MSFT-1234-car-type-suggester

  • MSFT-1234 Initial car type suggester implementation.
  • MSFT-1234 Add insurance amount indication based on car weight.

Sample releases

All commits have been finally merged into master.

Releases have been made in the following way:


  • Merged issues MSFT-1234, MSFT-1235 and MSFT-1236


  • Merged issues MSFT-1237 and MSFT-1238

Sample changelog output

The generated change log would look as follows:

### 0.2


*MSFT-1238 Token-authentication*

- Implement token authentication.
- Update authentication docs.

*MSFT-1237 Improve document sharing*

- Improve document sharing. Add option to share via GDrive.

### 0.1


*MSFT-1236 Prevent duplicate postal codes*

- Normalise postal codes for German addresses.
- Normalise postal codes for US addresses.
- Make postal code field unique for the country.


*MSFT-1235 Deprecate old api*

- Deprecate API v 2.0.
- Update docs.


*MSFT-1234 Car type suggester*

- Initial car type suggester implementation.
- Add insurance amount indication based on car weight.


In order to customize names and texts, add a .matyan.ini in your project directory, form which you will be runnin the generate-changelog command.

Sample configuration:

feature: Feature
bugfix: Bugfix
hotfix: Hotfix
deprecation: Deprecation

other: Other

unreleased: Unreleased

exact: more
       clean up
       code comments
       more on docs
       more on

Tips and tricks

Write to file

generate-changelog --show-releases 2>&1 | tee


Documentation is available on Read the Docs.


Latest stable version on PyPI:

pip install matyan

Or latest stable version from GitHub:

pip install

Or latest stable version from BitBucket:

pip install

Usage examples

Generate changelog:


Generate changelog skipping orphaned commits:

In some cases you only want to show what has been done with tickets and skip all non-ticket related commits.

generate-changelog --no-other

Generate changelog between two releases:

In some cases you only want to show what has been done since last release. The following example would generate changelog since version 0.0.1 to version 0.0.3.

generate-changelog 0.0.1..0.0.3

Generate changelog with releases info shown

generate-changelog --show-releases

Generate changelog between releases with releases info shown

generate-changelog 0.0.1..0.0.3 --show-releases


Simply type:


Or use tox:


Or use tox to check specific env:

tox -e py36

Writing documentation

Keep the following hierarchy.









GPL-2.0-only OR LGPL-2.1-or-later


For any issues contact me at the e-mail given in the Author section.


Artur Barseghyan <>

Indices and tables